Discord Server Owners
Hello, thank you for choosing SD Ads to generate a revenue in your Discord Server. To put it simple, by adding our bot to your server, we will start to displayed paid advertisements into your server. The types of ads, and if and when they are displayed are completely up to you by using our bot commands. In exchange for showing these ads to your members, we will allow you to collect a rewards balance. Upon reaching $1 USD, we will send it to you via Direct Deposit. We send these deposits on the first of every month.
However, before continuing and setting up this service, please take a moment to read this page, as it will outline our terms and conditions, along with some privacy policies. By using our service, you agree to these terms and policies as the server owner. We also may change these terms or policies in the future, it is your responsibility to stay up to date with our terms. We will try to reach you regarding any updates to these terms and/or policies, but the responsibility still falls on you, so read fully before agreeing.
We will try to make this easy to read.

Bot Permissions
The SD Ads Bot, with the id "1243728401731162173", requires the Administrator permission.
There are many reasons for this, here are some of them;
- Tracking - In order to help our advertisers know they are getting actual users to see their ads, we must engage in a lot of tracking. We do not store this information where it can be accessed. The bot caches information collected, automatically verifies the information to the user, and then deletes the information.
- Channel Access - The bot needs access to ALL channels in the Discord server. This is to help prevent users from faking ads, or placing ads in places where @everyone can not view.
- Server Info - In order for the bot to verify your server, it needs to access to the server's information. Name, images, analytic data, and other information is temporarily stored for verification purposes.

User Permissions
Anywhere that ads are being displayed, @everyone needs access to that channel. They must be able to see the channel, and view the message history for that channel.
The bot should continue and set these permissions for you, do not change them back from what the bot sets. You can make it where users can not send in that channel, but you can not restrict them from viewing the channel and history. Additionally, NSFW channels are NOT allowed to have ads in them.
Any and all roles should be able to see the channel(s) that ads are shown. This means, do not make a "Member" role and block them from seeing the channel.
Violations of these rules will result in a ban of your account from our services, along with termination of any revenue pending. - Ads are meant to be seen, not hidden.

Ad Integrity
When using SD Ads, your server staff, moderators, administrators, owner(s), or any other official persons can not jeopardize the integrity of our ads. This includes the server owner, and any person with any one or more of the following permissions:
- Manage Channels
- Manage Roles
- Create Expressions
- Manage Expressions
- View Audit Log
- View Server Insights
- View Server Subscription Insights
- Manage Webhooks
- Manage Server
- Manage Nicknames
- Kick Members
- Ban Members
- Timeout Members
- Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles
- Manage Messages
- Manage Threads
- Priority Speaker
- Mute Members
- Deafen Members
- Move Members
- Create Events
- Manage Events
- Administrator
Additionally, any person who is seen as a representative of your server should fall under these rules.
Our ads are not to be deleted. You can only delete ads if you are removing the channel, or the ad has been posted for more then 6 hours. Users who qualify above, are not to talk bad or negatively about ads displayed. Additionally, no promotion should be made in a way that would make a first impression negative. We will do our own vetting of ads to ensure they are quality and legit, if you have concerns about an ad, please contact our team before taking action. Our bot will automatically log and potentially blacklist you if you take action prior to contacting us.
Users who qualify above shall not attempt to hide the ads, outside of normal conversation. Additionally, servers users should be discouraged to hide ads as well. Hiding ads means to post long messages in an attempt to make the ad place higher up in the chat, to not be seen. If the traffic of the channel is just naturally high, it is okay for that ad to go off screen quickly, as long as it is not intentional.

Privacy Notice
SD Ads is an advertising company. We may collect data about your server and members to help with the efficiency of our ads, along with the accuracy of our campaign statistics. This information includes, but is not limited to;
- The amount of users that are online at the time of an ad being shown.
- The amount of users that are AFK or DND at the time of an ad being shown.
- The amount of users that are offline at the time of an ad being shown.
- The amount of users engaged in a channel, by tracking who is messaging and how frequent. - We do NOT store message data or contents, unless it is a command for our bot.
- The time which a user signed up for Discord, and how long that user has been in your server.
- If that user has Nitro or any other badges.
- The roles and permissions of users.
- The ID of users may be stored if the user is flagged.
All data collected is done automatically, and currently not able to be opted out of. All server members will agree to this when staying in your server. This may encourage some users to leave. We will attempt to contact all your server members to gain consent, if they do not consent, they will need to leave your server.